Thursday, June 21, 2012

Visitors from afar!

Mikayla had lots of visitors at the end of May and beginning of June! She saw her Aunt Natalie, her Nanni Nancy, her Great Nanni Rae, her Grammy Patty, and her Auntie Stephy. She had so much fun getting held 24-7! We learned a lot of good baby soothing techniques from all of the experienced mothers too!
Having visitors helped us stretch our comfort zone past the front doors and we actually went out to dinner TWICE, went out to lunch once and went downtown twice! It was good to try these new things with so many people to help out. Maybe now Mikayla will start writing her own Yelp reviews about how baby friendly the restaurants in Danville are :)

Aunt Natalie, Frankie and Nibbler (above)

Aunt Natalie, Mikayla, Great Nanni Rae and Nanni Nancy 

Grammy Patty and Mikayla

Auntie Stephy and Mikayla

Auntie Stephy, Mikayla, Nibbler and Frankie

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