Saturday, October 20, 2012

Baby Wedding!

No, Mikayla's not getting married just yet, but she did go to another wedding. She's getting quite good at the whole wedding thing. This wedding was pretty cool for her because there were several other babies there that were near her same age. In particular she got to hang out with Lorenzo who is the son of one of Chris's best friends from high school. Lorenzo is about two months older than Mikayla, so she had a hard time keeping up with his swift grabs at her headband. I can't wait until she is that fast too. I imagine baby play time will be really entertaining to watch!

Happy babies!

LORENZO: Oh what's that on your head? MIKAYLA: Look over there!  

LORENZO: I want it!  MIKAYLA: What is happening right now? 

LORENZO: Got it!  MIKAYLA: What the...I need to regain my balance.  

Ahhhhh! We're synchronized falling!

Watch out! The babies are multiplying!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

FIVE Months Old!

Luckily I'm better at taking pictures of Mikayla than I am at updating her blog! So her five month pics have been sitting on my camera waiting to be posted for almost a month now. Granted, this has been a very busy month. We had two weddings (one in Phoenix), relatives visiting from Buffalo AND I returned to work. Returning to work is probably the biggest reason that I have a backlog of at least 4 more blog posts. Oh well, more to look forward to right?

So anyways, Mikayla is FIVE months old! At her latest check up she weighed almost 15 pounds! She is starting to advance really quickly lately. She is getting really good at sitting, she passes toys from one hand to another and then to her mouth and she recognizes her name. Apparently she likes her name because she always responds to it with a great big smile!

Oh my gosh....I'm FIVE months old!

Mikayla at Five Months

Mikayla at Four Months

Mikayla at Three Months

 Mikayla at Two Months

Mikayla at One Month

Mikayla wants to tell you what she's been up to lately:

 I'm getting so big!

 I'm chewing my lip because I might be teething

I'm still interested in my toes

And I'm REALLY interested in my pig!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

First Plane Ride

A few weeks ago, Mikayla went on her first trip through the air! We weren't sure how she was going to handle it, so we were glad it was just to Phoenix. Luckily she did amazing! She basically ate and slept the whole way there and the whole way back. She was a perfect little jet setter. There were a lot of babies on the flight back, and all of the other passengers (especially the parents of the other babies) gave Mikayla the gold star for being the best at flying. Way to go Mikayla! Maybe we'll take you somewhere else soon...or maybe not, traveling with a baby is still really hard!

 Waiting for the plane. We were standing here forever waiting for a plane to be in the background. Finally!

Some quality time with daddy

Sorry other passengers, you're going to have to wait while we get this picture. We must document this momentous event. 

Thatta girl! Nighty night.