Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mikayla Eats People Food!

Mikayla is officially a big girl. She finally got to start eating solid foods. She was soooo ready! She used to stare us down while we were eating - it was clear she wanted some. So on her six month birthday, she sat in her new high chair (which she also loves) and ate some banana squash. Here are some pictures and videos so you can pretend you were there:

"Okay - I'm ready for this solid stuff"

"Banana strange"

"Give me that spoon!"

"Get in my belly Banana Squash!"


Here are the videos so you can REALLY feel like you were there:
Mikayla's first bite (full sized video here)

Mikayla eats banana squash (full sized video here)

Mikayla gags on banana squash (full sized video here)

SIX Months Old!

Mikayla is SIX months old! Half a year! She celebrated her half birthday by starting to eat solid foods (more details next post) and by getting her picture taken professionally. I dressed her up fancy for this month's photo to commemorate her fancy professional photo shoot...and also because I like to dress her up fancy whenever I get the chance!

I'm SIX months old, but I still like to eat my pig!
I still have a gummy smile - no teeth yet.
I still have bright blue eyes like Daddy
Did I mention I still like to eat my pig?

Mikayla at Six Months
Mikayla at Five Months

Mikayla at Four Months

Mikayla at Three Months

Mikayla at Two Months

Mikayla at One Month


I came to a realization this Halloween; babies are just as much fun to dress up as dogs! Since she was born, I really wanted to dress Mikayla as Mini Me because otherwise it is such a waste of a bald head. Ironically, there are no infant Mini Me costumes to be found - anywhere! (Great business opportunity for those listening). So I had to settle for a toddler costume. Luckily my mom was able make some significant adjustments to get it to fit Mikayla. We made a cute evil family with Chris as Dr. Evil, Mikayla and Mini Me and the dogs and I as sharks with Frikin' laser beams on our heads. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture with the dogs, but here is the rest of our Evil family:

Mikayla needed another costume for my work party since Chris couldn't accompany us as Dr. Evil (Mini Me wouldn't be the same without Dr. Evil). So Mikayla went as a Del Monte pea instead. It was fitting since I work at Del Monte, it was also cost effective since I had already bought the outfit and used it as a dog costume many years ago. I hate to hurt Nibbler's feelings, but I think Mikayla was even cuter in it :)

Nibbler was a little jealous...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pumpkin Patch!

Ever since Mikayla was born I've been looking forward to taking her to the pumpkin patch. I think pumpkin patches are so much fun, but they are even better with kids. So a few weeks before Halloween  we dressed Mikayla up appropriately in an orange onesie and overalls and headed out to 'Joan's Farm' a very cool local pumpkin patch. Here are some pictures of our adventure:

Family at the farm
 Mikayla is a sheeple!
 It's just like the cut-out!
  Forget the pumpkins, this dead grass is amazing!
 Sticking out the tongue for Aunt Lisa
 This bag tastes like popcorn!
I'm surrounded by pumpkins!
Hmmm...I wonder how these pumpkins taste?
Nom nom!
What's this?
It's like a bumpy pumpkin...
Gourds blow my mind!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cupie Doll

When I was a baby, my parents thought I looked just like a cupie doll, so they took a picture of me next to one my mom still had from her childhood. It is a very famous photograph, perhaps you have seen it?

Recently, Mikayla has been smiling with her lips rolled under her gums. I think it must be related to teething. Anyways, she looks really funny when she does this, not unlike a cupie doll. Of course we still have the cupie doll from the original picture, so we had to take some pictures of Mikayla doing her cupie face next to the cupie doll. If only she had more hair, I think she could have done a better cupie impression than me!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Baby Playtime

Mikayla had so much fun playing with her friend Oliver. They know each other from way back when they weren't even born, but their mommies were taking Bradley class together. Now they are enjoying each other's company in a little bit closer proximity. Here are some pictures of their day together. I'm including captions so you know what they were saying.

 OLIVER: You have dogs too! MIKAYLA: Dogs are the best!

 OLIVER: What are you doing? MIKAYLA: Eating my thumb, it is the best!

 OLIVER: I don't think I like this pink crib place! MIKAYLA: Yay! A friend in my crib!

 OLIVER: Yeah, this is definitely freaking me out. MIKAYLA: Don't worry... 

 OLIVER: My Binkie! That will make everything better.  MIKAYLA: What are they putting in your mouth?

 OLIVER: Much better! MIKAYLA: I think I want that thing.

 OLIVER: Ummm...what are you doing?   MIKAYLA: Yes, I definitely want that thing.

 OLIVER: Hey!  MIKAYLA: Got it!
OLIVER: Are you going to do something about this Dad? MIKAYLA: This thing is the best!

Buffalo Relatives

Just a few days after returning from Phoenix, Mikayla got to meet even more relatives. This time they came to her! Mikayla's relatives from Buffalo came to visit her (and also cheer for the Bills in the Bills vs 49ers game). Mikayla really enjoyed hanging out with her Grammy Patty again. She hadn't seen her since she was 2 months old. They had so much to catch up on!

'Oh hey Great Aunt Linda and Grammy Patty!'

A special moment with Grammy Patty while watching the Blue Angels:
 Hi Grammy
 Guess what!
 I have a secret...
I love you!
Ahhh! These Blue Angels are hurting my ears!