Saturday, February 23, 2013

NINE Months Old!

Mikayla is NINE months old! Can you believe it? She's so big!

Here are her stats from her nine month checkup:

Height: 27.5 inches - 50th percentile
Weight: 18.5 lbs - 50th percentile
Head circumference: 18 inch - 80-85th percentile!

She's still on track to have a perfectly average body with a perfectly large head :)

 Here is Mikayla's big news:

I have teeth!! One and a half...or maybe a half and a quarter.

I want to walk! Or at least stand.

I think I'll have to do a separate post on Mikayla's insatiable desire to walk, so more on that later!

For now let's just say it's been really hard to keep her in the chair long enough to take her picture.
Here's a video to show you what I mean:

Also here is a video of Mikayla playing with her musical desk. She loves this thing. I picked it up at a children's consignment store because it looked sturdy enough for her to hold onto when she was first learning to pull herself up. It ended up being WAY more useful than that! It has a little bench on one side that she can swing her legs over and sit on by herself. But if we position it the other way (like in this video) she can stand and walk around and dance while she plays music.

Nine month olds are such fun!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mikayla's Great Escape!

Not only is Mikayla getting very good at crawling, she seems to be getting smarter and smarter every day. With these powers combined, she's managed to escape her play area and lock us behind her numerous times. It is pretty hilarious, so I had to capture it on video to share. Enjoy Mikayla's Great Escape!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

She Walks!

Okay, so she's not quite walking on her own yet, but just a day or two after Mikayla started crawling, she started walking with the help of her baby stroller/walker. She got her stroller from her Grammy Patty for Christmas and she LOVES it! Of course sometimes she loves it more than others:

Baby Stroller - Success!

Baby Stroller - Epic FAIL! Practice makes perfect.

Taking a little snack break
Nom Nom Nom

Ewww! There's a hair on my Mum Mum

She Crawls!

We thought it would never happen. Mikayla showed no signs of wanting to crawl. We were convinced she would go straight to walking, which seemed to interest her much more. She never creeped, she never rolled to get places, she was not mobile whatsoever. Then one day out of the blue, she just started crawling!

The next day she was very good at it. And now, just a week or so later, she is crawling all over the place!

Way to go Mikayla! Literally, crawling is the way to go - who needs that walking stuff anyways.

Baby Dance

Sometimes Chris and Mikayla like to rock out 80's style...


Piano Lessons

As you may have seen in the Holiday post, Mikayla got a piano/xylophone hybrid for Christmas. Over the past month she has impressed us so much with her piano skills that we're pretty sure she's a baby genius.

Contemplating her next original piece

As I'm sure you noticed in the video, inferior equipment was clearly stifling Mikayla's true talent.
So we decided it would be best to buy a full sized piano for her...

Or maybe my parents moved and asked if we wanted their piano at our house.

Either way, Mikayla now has access to a full size piano and she is LOVING it! Aunt Christina is quite a great pianist, so she was generous enough to give Mikayla some free lessons. Baby Genius I tell you!

Big Time Bath Time!

Mikayla has graduated from the laundry room sink to the REAL bathtub! She's in the big leagues now. We got her a special bath seat so that she can play around without slipping out of our hands (wet babies are slippery!). I can't help but take a lot of pictures of her while she's in the bath. Now I know why there are so many embarrassing bath pictures of us as kids...

What you lookin' at?
Thanks for my new bath toys Darlene, Ryan and Cara!
Oh a mohawk!
I think I like it!
Spiky hair like Daddy!
I think I like it!
But I  like my bath toys even more!

EIGHT Months Old!

Mikayla just turned nine months old, so that means it's about time for me to post her EIGHT month pictures :)

Her big achievement at eight months was growing out of all of her 6 month clothes and growing into her size 2 shoes! I was very excited about both of these achievements: I got to rotate her wardrobe AND she was finally able to wear the super-cute pink converse from her Aunt Stephanie.
Check them out in her eight month picture:
Mikayla at EIGHT Months!

 For some reason I'm not able to add captions and have 2 pictures next to one another, so
from top to bottom and left to right the below pictures show Milayla at: