Tuesday, July 16, 2013

FOURTEEN Months Old!

Mikayla is fourteen months old! (It sounds so OLD doesn't it?)

Well not only is she old, she is also BIG! We just went in for her doctor's appointment.
It was supposed to be her 12 month appointment, but doctor vacation + 2 month backlog of appointments = 14 month appointment!

So now I finally have Mikayla's new stats that I've literally been waiting months for...and the results are:

LENGTH: 30.5 inches (60-70th percentile) She's growing!!

WEIGHT: 21.5 lbs (35th percentile) She's walking...and losing some of that cute baby fat

HEAD: 46.75 cm (75th percentile) She's still got a huge noggin'!!

Here's a picture of our beautiful 14 month old ballerina:
My toes are sore from all that dancing!
A silly ballerina!

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